Friday, August 15, 2008

Bigfoot Body Stolen By Fanatics!

The two men, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, who claimed to have the carcass of a Bigfoot in their freezer, are now saying the body has be stolen by psycho Bigfoot fanatics. “We went to the undisclosed location last night to collect some more hair samples and take more pictures, for the Palo Alto press conference this morning, and it was gone.” A police report stated there was some evidence of a breaking and entering at the residence, but what was claimed as stolen was not listed.

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claimed to have found the body of a Bigfoot in a remote Georgia location last month. They said they were followed by at least 3 more bigfoots as they dragged the carcass from the bush and loaded in on their flatbed truck. “Man was I scared” Rick Dyer said. “We were dragging this stinky carcass through the bush and these things were following us and seemed to be very upset at what we were doing. I just needed to get the hell out of there.” he said.

Theres much skepticism about their story recently and the recent event being told about the body being stolen isn't helping it at all. Self-styled Sasquatch seeker Tom Biscard, said he saw the thing in the two men's freezer and “its the real deal, let me tell you.” he was quoted as saying.

To say the least there was no evidence presented at the Palo Alto press conference.


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