Wednesday, October 8, 2008

US Scientist Destroys "Instant Addiction Technology"

US scientist Kevin Havershum in a statement to the press has announced he has destroyed all research involved in the “instant addiction technology” he stumbled upon a month ago. Mr. Havershum while working on narrow high band frequency research last month made an unexpected discovery involving exposing a certain region of the brain to a very narrow high band frequency wave that caused a seemingly non reversible instant addiction to the process. In a statement to the international press Mr. Havershum was quoted as saying:

“As humans we use approximately only 10-15% of our brain. The other 85-90% of the brain is totally uncharted territory. By accidentally bombarding a certain region of a human brain we discovered that the narrow high band frequency we have been using for research stimulated that region and seemed to have caused an instant addiction, which appears to be totally non reversible. The individual who was accidentally exposed reverted to an almost comatose state without the direct stimulation taking place. It became clear very rapidly to the research team that this discovery is very dangerous and could be used as an extremely destructive weapon. I therefore as the head of the research team decided that all data and research material involved in the discovery was to be destroyed immediately. Since then I have been contacted by the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, and all four branches of the military. I can tell you they are very upset with our decision to destroy the information.”

Mr. Havershum continued to say that he is very upset about the affected researcher and vows that he will receive every effort possible to reverse the affects, by myself and the team.


Monday, October 6, 2008

Small French Town Discovers 43 Graves Dug Up

The small French town of Gien, located about 75 miles south of Paris woke on October 2nd to find that 43 graves in the local cemetery had been dug up and the bodies were all missing. The cemetery care taker said in over 40 years he has never seen anything so disturbing.

“I got to the cemetery at about 8am as I usually do and looking over across the grave sites in a section of the park I noticed a mound of dirt that wasn't there the night prior. When I walked up on it, it was a freshly dug up grave and the casket looked as if it had been ripped open. I was totally stunned. When I looked up I noticed at least 5 more mounds of dirt around the park. I immediately went to the office and phoned the police. After they came we toured the whole of the cemetery and counted 43 open graves with the caskets all opened and the bodies missing. It would have taken a large number of people to do all this in one night and there were no signs of large equipment, like tire tracks or anything like that. Who in the hell would wanna do something like this!” the caretaker was quoted as saying.

The cemetery was closed down for 2 days for the police investigation. The strangest finding to the investigation revealed that all the missing corpses had died within a year of each other between 1994-95. Police are not too forth coming with information at this point pending notification of relatives.

In another strange report about the incident the caretaker of the cemetery said he personally knew one of the missing deceased. He stated when he approached the wife of the deceased man later that day and told her. She turned white as a sheet. She commenced to tell him that during the night she had been awaken by someone knocking on her front door by the time she got out of bed and opened the door no one was there. She said she saw what appeared to be a man in a suit walk out the front gate of her property. She said it didn't dawn on her at the time and she never did seen the man's face, but that now thinking about it the man was almost a perfect description from the back of her deceased husband and shes sure the suit she saw was identical to the one she had him buried in.


Recent Strange Occurrences At The Amityville House

Most of us have heard the story or seen the movie "The AmityVille Horror" about the experiences of George and Kathy Lutz being terrorized by what they said was a demonic presence in the house. After the Lutz's left the house it had changed hands a couple time to include the current owner Brian Wilson. For years nothing has been reported unusual about the house and the town of Amityville and the owners have looked down on the stories and the occasional visitors, who come by to look at and take pictures of the house. Well now it seems Brian Wilson has had some recent unpleasant occurrences in the house.

Police logs obtained through the freedom of information act has shown a spike in the last 6 months in calls from the house to 911 by Brain Wilson. A police report obtained details how Mr. Wilson returned home to 108 Ocean Avenue (the house's original address of 112 Ocean Avenue was changed a few years back because of onlookers) find both his dogs dead inside the house. This is the actual statement taken from Mr. Wilson and entered into the report.

"I came home from a weekend away visiting some friends to find both my dogs dead. One was in the front foyer and the other was on the upstairs landing. Not only were they dead but the manner in which I found their bodies was strange to say the least. Both dogs bodies were desiccated (complete dried out) and stuck to the floor. They looked like they had been dead there for years or something. After the officers took pictures I had to actually pry the bodies off the wood floor and carpet with a shovel."

Other 911 tapes made recently confirms that since the incident with the death of his dogs Mr. Wilson has experienced occurrences from voices heard to objects flying across the room. In one tape he is clearly heard to state.

"My god I never though any of this was true! Please get someone out here as fast as you can!"

No one will confirm the rumors, but it is said that Mr. Wilson has now left the residence and the town of Amityville has secretly purchased the house from him and have plans to tear it down. Attempts to get the photos taken by the police concerning the dead dogs have all failed.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Military Cover Up Of Strange Events At Hadron Collider

The official news we all received from the CERN laboratory about the giant Hadron Collider mishap last month, was that there had been a helium leak and the collider needed to be taken off line until the spring sometime. But now there are some disturbing reports filtering out that much more happened than is being told. A source asking to not be identified has came forth with reports of what actually happened last month on the 19th when the initial power up of the collider took place.

“That morning everything was going according to schedule. The collider at 17 miles long takes a long time to power up all its components. We were about a quarter of the way through when we started receiving some strange readings in a certain section of the tunnel. When we checked the security cameras for that area we saw what appeared to be a shimmering field of some sort and it seemed to be moving on its own. Firefighters suited up and headed towards the area, when they arrived they described the field as looking something like fire in a zero gravity environment. The firefighters also stated there was a definite static electrical charge in the air and a smell something like burning sulfur. The weirdest thing was the report that the field seemed to be moving on its own as if it was examining certain components of the collider in that area. While all this was happening we continued to monitor the situation on the security cameras. Two firefighters approached the anomaly with extinguishers, the field seemed to sense their approach and almost instantly expanded to engulf them, and they just disappeared! It was like watching one of those science fiction shows where people step through some sort of portal except in this case the portal engulfed the two men. After that all hell broke loose the remaining personnel in that area began to withdraw. In the next couple hours calls were made while we continued to watch this thing from the security feeds. Before I knew it Swiss military was on site and within eighteen hours we had French and UK military there locking everything down. At that point only the top scientific personnel remained and the rest of us were escorted out of there.”

The source has said that the military as far as he knows is still in charge of the scene and the 17 mile long Hadron Collider is still totally locked down. He went on to say that when he was escorted from the scene the anomaly was still present and as far as he knows it still is and the two firefighters are still missing. “I can tell you the official news reports about why the collider was shut down is a total cover up at this point. I don't know whats happening in there right now, but it's big and the military is very interested!” the source said.


Monday, September 29, 2008

South Pacific Island Disappears In Blinding White Flash

The remote south pacific island of Montagumba, located near the Kingdom of Tonga was said to have totally disappeared last week. Local fisherman say they have always steered clear of the island because of local lore.

"Since I was a kid I have heard stories of Montagumba and always thought it was best to pay heed to them." said Molar Kununa.

The island has a reputation of strange happenings with the locals, to include mysterious creatures and evidence of lost time. Lomar Futurimore said that in the spring of 2006 he was fishing and had boat trouble near the island.

"I had to put to shore on Montagumba because I had ripped a sail and there was a weird storm in the area. I kept hearing some really strange noises in the interior of the island. Finally after what seemed to be maybe 4 hours at the most I had repaired the ripped sail and got the hell off that place. When I returned home that night people ran to meet my boat and said I had been missing for 4 days. It was the weirdest thing. I never go anywhere near that place anymore."

Two fisherman who declined to be identified said they were within sight of the island when there was a strange vibration and then a blinding white light and then nothing the island was just gone. There is nothing but open ocean in that location now where local maps going back years clearly show the island.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Man Missing After Spying On Area51

The family of a man missing since Wednesday has received letters he sent the same day outlining his plan to remotely infiltrate the infamous Area51. David Koln said in his letter he was ready to launch a aerial drone, he built himself and would remotely controlled from over the Internet. Supposedly the drone had satellite up link to the Internet, a camera and recording capabilities, able to upload its feed to a physical hard drive somewhere. Thats the last piece of information received from Mr, koln before his disappearance.

“Were not sure what has happened to him.” said Marcie Koln, David's sister. “We think he might have been successful and is now in government hands. But theres been no disclosure as of yet from any government source.”

It is widely known that the laws governing the privacy of Area51 are so strict that the government can apprehend and hold people for indefinite lengths of time if they are suspected of trespassing.

David Koln's neighbor, Kelsy Havlant said “there was a noisy disturbance early Thursday morning at David's apartment. When I opened my front door to the hallway, all I saw were black masked men, like swat officers going in and out of his apartment. I really didn't want to get involved at that point, so I closed my door.”

If in fact the government is holding David Koln, and he did violate laws about Area51 and its top secret projects then they have a right to bring him to justice, but they don't have a right to just lock him away somewhere and forget him without court proceedings.


Friday, August 15, 2008

Bigfoot Body Stolen By Fanatics!

The two men, Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, who claimed to have the carcass of a Bigfoot in their freezer, are now saying the body has be stolen by psycho Bigfoot fanatics. “We went to the undisclosed location last night to collect some more hair samples and take more pictures, for the Palo Alto press conference this morning, and it was gone.” A police report stated there was some evidence of a breaking and entering at the residence, but what was claimed as stolen was not listed.

Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer claimed to have found the body of a Bigfoot in a remote Georgia location last month. They said they were followed by at least 3 more bigfoots as they dragged the carcass from the bush and loaded in on their flatbed truck. “Man was I scared” Rick Dyer said. “We were dragging this stinky carcass through the bush and these things were following us and seemed to be very upset at what we were doing. I just needed to get the hell out of there.” he said.

Theres much skepticism about their story recently and the recent event being told about the body being stolen isn't helping it at all. Self-styled Sasquatch seeker Tom Biscard, said he saw the thing in the two men's freezer and “its the real deal, let me tell you.” he was quoted as saying.

To say the least there was no evidence presented at the Palo Alto press conference.


Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Mothman Sightings In Kentucky

Theres been a new wave of Mothman sightings in the small town of Pikeville, KY. More than seven eye witnesses have came forward with bizarre stories of encounters with the bird man creature. Helen Bevel said she was walking her dog at about 10 pm on Tuesday night (8/12/2008) when her dog stopped dead in its tracks after sensing something. After a few short minutes a tall bird like creature stumbled from the bushes, she said. "It stopped and looked straight at me. It had giant red glowing eyes, and must have been over seven feet tall. I ran as fast as I could back to the house with the dog howling the whole way." Ms Bevel said.

Later that night Zane Wilson a local deputy with the sheriffs department said he noticed what appeared to be a very tall man standing next to the road. "I stopped the cruiser and approached slowly. When the thing turned around it had piercing red eyes and extended some wing type structure which looked to be a span of more than ten feet. I unholstered my firearm and the thing started to walk towards me in a clumsy gate." Deputy Wilson said. "I told it to stop and when it didn't I emptied my revolver into its chest. I never even saw any indication of the rounds impacting. I couldn't get back to my car fast enough and get the hell out of there." the deputy still looked quit shaken while repeating his story.

Harley Foster said on Wednesday morning around 2am he was investigating some commotion out near his barn when he saw the creature. "It looked like some kind of big bird or something. The damn thing started to chase me. It was bobbing its head back and forth and hooting at me as I ran back to the house to get my rifle. It was gone when I returned. I don't know what the hell it was, but it seemed really pissed off." Mr. Foster was quoted as saying.

The Mothman became famous after it made headlines for numerous sightings in Point Pleasant, WV. during the summer of 1966. Point Pleasant is only about 100 miles north east of Pikeville. Sightings of a giant bird-man type creature have been around since ancient times and always described as a harbinger of future bad events in the area of sightings. The Silver Bridge collapsed killing 46 people in December 1966 in Point Pleasant. The Mothman was said to have been seen just prior to the collapse standing near the top of the bridge. After the tragedy the sightings mysteriously stopped.

The descriptions and drawings given in this latest rounds of sightings are eerily similar to the Point pleasant sightings.


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

China Admits to Genetic Alterations

Although it is not helping them any in the swim events for the Olympics, China admitted this morning at an international press conference that one of its athletes has been genetically altered. China admitted that, Xue Xiin, competing in the Women's 400m Freestyle, had fish DNA spliced into her genetic profile.

"We were able to web her feet sufficiently to bring her speed up. But it doesn't look like it was enough." Zhang Qiuping, vice-director of the Chinese Swimming Association (CSA) said.

"Unfortunately because of the admission, Xue Xiin, was disqualified from further Olympic competition." Zhang said. "But it gave us a foot in the door for future genetic testing on athletes."

When asked about the moral implications of the procedure on humans, Zhang was quoted as saying. "This is China! Not the USA. Our citizens and athletes are expected to do whats necessary for the well being of their country."

Some have speculated that the genetic alterations was the start of a military program aimed at producing highly specialized soldiers. Soldiers with reptilian DNA for example would be able to function at a higher efficiency in a jungle environment, the same for fish DNA spliced soldiers in an aquatic environment.

The Chinese government declined to comment on the possibility of genetically altered soldiers.