Monday, October 6, 2008

Small French Town Discovers 43 Graves Dug Up

The small French town of Gien, located about 75 miles south of Paris woke on October 2nd to find that 43 graves in the local cemetery had been dug up and the bodies were all missing. The cemetery care taker said in over 40 years he has never seen anything so disturbing.

“I got to the cemetery at about 8am as I usually do and looking over across the grave sites in a section of the park I noticed a mound of dirt that wasn't there the night prior. When I walked up on it, it was a freshly dug up grave and the casket looked as if it had been ripped open. I was totally stunned. When I looked up I noticed at least 5 more mounds of dirt around the park. I immediately went to the office and phoned the police. After they came we toured the whole of the cemetery and counted 43 open graves with the caskets all opened and the bodies missing. It would have taken a large number of people to do all this in one night and there were no signs of large equipment, like tire tracks or anything like that. Who in the hell would wanna do something like this!” the caretaker was quoted as saying.

The cemetery was closed down for 2 days for the police investigation. The strangest finding to the investigation revealed that all the missing corpses had died within a year of each other between 1994-95. Police are not too forth coming with information at this point pending notification of relatives.

In another strange report about the incident the caretaker of the cemetery said he personally knew one of the missing deceased. He stated when he approached the wife of the deceased man later that day and told her. She turned white as a sheet. She commenced to tell him that during the night she had been awaken by someone knocking on her front door by the time she got out of bed and opened the door no one was there. She said she saw what appeared to be a man in a suit walk out the front gate of her property. She said it didn't dawn on her at the time and she never did seen the man's face, but that now thinking about it the man was almost a perfect description from the back of her deceased husband and shes sure the suit she saw was identical to the one she had him buried in.


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