Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"The Forge" Found

In the ancient Hindu texts of India's Mahabharata and the Ramayana are described an area known as “The Forge.” This area was said to be vast areas of crushed sheet glass made by nuclear weapons used in a ancient war. These documents narrate the struggle between two groups of cousins in the Kurukshetra war. These factions were said to have flying machines close in description to modern day UFOs. It was said that they possessed nuclear weapons that were used in the Kurukshetra war creating vast desert areas where the sand was turned to sheets of glass.

In recent times these documents have been refuted as fiction and some scientist have tried to discredit them. But after traveling to India and meeting archaeology dig leader, Professor Sudhiranjan Das from the University of Calcutta, he has disclosed that recently they have discovered areas that were once ancient deserts with a layer six feet thick of radioactive broken glass. These layers are also in depth below modern ground level consistent with the times described in the Mahabharata and the Ramayana. At first it was said that these deserts were so hot in ancient times that this is what turned the sand to glass. But now radioactive studies has shown, through the degradation of radioactive half-life, that when created the radioactive levels of this layer of glass were far to high to have been created by solar events.

Its seems the so called fables of the Kurukshetra war are proving to be anything but fiction and “The Forge” has been found.


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